Here's to 2022!

by - January 02, 2022

So i'll be saying no more n yes to opportunities that pop up unexpectedly. Lebih spontan, berani ngambil resiko, dan berjuang lebih keras lagi untuk mengejar mimpi. Having high hopes and low expectations means choosing actions over outcomes. Prioritising mental health, growth, evolution, dan tentunya mendorong orang lain untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Above all, relying on intuition rather than focusing on the benefits that may accrue is key. Being more authentic, open to connection, and affectionate. I will not put the importance of my happiness on any single thing outside of myself. Aku akan membangun diriku from the inside only. Menciptakan koneksi yang lebih dalam n uncovering further layers of my identity allows more creativity to flow, self expression n compassion. Mengambil keputusan hanya berdasarkan mental benefits, not material benefits, more therapy, healing, unfollowing, muting, deleting, n repeating. I will have more confidence and trust. Allowing space for mistakes to be made n shunning all perfectionism, pushing forward in the knowledge that self-belief is the maximum success and seeking external validation means I've already lost. I will win by trying and failing instead of not trying at all, exposing all parts and flaws and openly working on them, blocking out any toxic messaging or external or internal shame, guilt, or fear. I will be even more selfish than I was before, being gentle, soft and empathetic, bringing others along too for the journey, always sharing, encouraging and nourishing. I will stay committed to healing, improving my self-esteem, helping others struggling with their body image and mental health, whilst extending resources and knowledge from people who are better and smarter than me and using the wisdom and tools I have gained along the way. More sharing the glory along with the workload, making space, not pushing others out of the way to take up space. I will work on myself in my own time. Those who want to can stay, and those who don't, i will understand.


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